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Health and performance in the elderly. |
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Functional ability of community dwelling elderly. CriterionR09;Related validity of a new measure of functional ability. |
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Ældres funktionsevne i: klinisk social medicin. |
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To grow old. |
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Opfølgende hjemmebesøg til ældre efter hospitalsindlæggelse. En randomiseret, kontrolleret undersøgelse |
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Chronic undernutrition and the aged |
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Fald i (konsekvenser af) fald? |
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Geriatric research and its perspectives |
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Impairment of the heart related to disability and handicap in 400 Danes aged 75 years as assessed by echocardiography, bicycle test and at home visits, respectively. |
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The main pathway to musculoskeletal disability. |
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Geriatri i medicinsk kompendium |
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Kronisk sygdom og funktionsevne blandt 70R09;årige mænd og kvinder |
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